
Thursday, June 28, 2007

*Finally ! skool' exam over !
dang happy man. :D but still have 2 more important exam
August nd October. i'm lazy ~

*yupp. yesterday, i just wet to popular book store bought Geo reference books.
to prepare for today's Geo exam. L0Ls XDD
and studied for 6 hours yesterday. my Cousin teaches me till her throat "sick"
if i dint score A for Geo, i felt so sorry for her.

*i cant top thinking 1117 . 1117 ...1117 ~
it was very meaningfull for 5 of us. erm.. 4 ~
HEEs.. i cant wait . LoLs.

*my friend. Eemun ~ she came back from Las Vegas.
currently at KL . SHe's coming KB next week.
cant wait to meet her lol. :DD
She's dang pretty , changed alot. and she said we change alot too. L0Ls XD

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

WEDNESDAYY ! Singing competition !
we practice in class this morning. Teacher said we sing it nice. ;D
yeah.. we full-filled with self-trust. XD

yup ! We do sing it really well !
BUT, when we competing, i duno what on earth are going on.
it's different what we had done on class.

WOW. j0hn.. u're cool XD
playing wif the guitar ! R0CKs :DD
he sing well, played well. hahs
but.. we sing better ! HAHAs XPP

this was a memorable day for me. <33

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Aihs. Soon.. tomoro..our class , singing competition. actually it's not singing competition , Change lyrics competition ?
and..we just prepared it this Sunday. hee...
but, we sing well XDD especially LEEMIN. ;DD
This 3 days, we stayed back for practice. quite tired.
After back from skool, tuition again. AIIHS !
i'm happy cuhs tmr gonna be the last day XDD
i have alot of fun wif my classmate tough. they're just sooo sweet XD

xiulin bring her guitar . hahs
szeyee borrowed keyboard from her friend.
cuhs we plan on going to play keyboard while compete.
but..6 of the key no sound. so we give up the keyboard and just playing wif it.
HEEs ~

la la la la la la la la la la la ~~